Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips - Nutrition and Ingredients

image of Kettle Krinkle Potato Chips Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper

Nutrition & Ingredients Summary

One ounce of ground Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips (28 grams) contains 150 calories and 2 grams of protein. It consists of 57% carbohydrates, 7% protein, 32% fat, and less than 1% of water. Jump to Nutrition Analysis

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips contains 14 ingredients, which is similar to the average chips. The recommended serving size is 1 ounce, or 28 grams, which is a smaller portion compared to the serving size of the average chips. Jump to Ingredient Analysis

In one ounce of ground Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips:

  • Calories: 150
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Dietary fiber: 1 g
  • Fat: 9 g, (Saturated: 1 g)
  • Sodium: 159.9 mg

Source: USDA

Nutrition Details


Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips have 150 calories per ounce or 536 calories for every 100 grams. Most of its calories are from fat and carbohydrates.

53% of calories in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips are from fat, 42% of calories are from carbohydrates and 5% of calories are from protein.


A good portion, or 42% of the calories in ground Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips are from carbohydrates. The carbs are mostly in the form of dietary fiber (100%).



The majority, or 53% of the calories in ground Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips are from fat. It are high in total fat, with 9 grams or 14% of recommended daily values per ounce. Most of the fat in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips are healthier unsaturated fats.

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips are cholesterol free and trans-fat free.


A single ounce of Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips contains 4% of recommended daily values or 2 grams of protein.


One ounce of Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips has 159.9 milligrams of sodium or about 11% of daily recommended intake.

Nutrition Facts

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips:

( - g )

G %
dietary fiber
G %
sugar G
total fat
G %
saturated fat
G %
monounsaturated fat G
polyunsaturated fat G
trans fat G
G %
cholesterol MG
MG %
Vitamin A
UG %
Vitamin C
MG %
MG %
MG %
MG %
Nutrition calculations are from Harvard Medical's nutrient guidelines [1] and USDA's food central database (2019) [2].
We calculated values from 2000 kCal daily recommended diet.

* Change the quantity to find a portion that works for your diet - brands often change their recommended serving size.

Have a correction or suggestions? Shoot us an email.

Nutrition Comparison to Other Chips

Here is a table of nutritional differences between Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips and the average chips. Comparing by equal weight (one serving or 28 grams):
Nutrition comparison between Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips and the average chips, 1 serving (28g).
Nutrient Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips Difference Average/Median
Calories 150kcal +4% 142kcal / 145kcal
Carbohydrates 16g -2% 16g / 16g
Sugar ~ -100% 1g / 1g
Dietary Fiber 1g -21% 1g / 1g
Total Fat 9g +9% 8g / 8g
Saturated Fat 1g +22% 2g / 1g
Trans Fat ~ ~ 0g / ~
Cholesterol ~ ~ 1mg / ~
Sodium 160mg +7% 183mg / 172mg
Protein 2g +1% 2g / 2g
Vitamin C 6mg +36% 5mg / 4mg
Calcium ~ -100% 18mg / 9mg
Iron 0mg -17% 1mg / 0mg
Potassium 410mg +55% 240mg / 265mg

another image of Kettle Krinkle Potato Chips Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper


Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips contains 14 ingredients, which is similar to the average chips (17.4 ingredients). Its top ingredient is potato, similar to most chips.

Full Ingredients List

potatoes, safflower and/or sunflower and/or canola oil, rice flour, salt, black pepper, yeast extract, spice, garlic powder, onion powder, citric acid, spice extract, jalapeno powder.
Source: USDA

This chips contains canola oil, salt, spice and citric acid, which are also common ingredients in many other chips.

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips does not contain palm oil or palm derivatives, similar to most chips.

Ingredients Compared to Other Chips

The ingredients in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips versus how frequently they appear in other chips:
How common the ingredients in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips are compared to other chips
Rank Ingredient
Extremely Uncommon
Very Uncommon
Very Common
Nearly Universal
1 Potato
2 Safflower
3 Sunflower
4 Canola Oil
5 Rice Flour
6 Salt
7 Black Pepper
8 Yeast Extract
9 Spice
10 Garlic Powder
11 Onion Powder
12 Citric Acid
13 Spice Extract
14 Jalapeno Powder


How many calories are in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips?

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips have 150 calories per ounce or 536 calories for every 100 grams.
Source: USDA

How healthy is Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips?

On the positive side, Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips has 100% less sugar, 1% more protein, 36% more vitamin c and 55% more potassium than the average chips. Unfortunately, it also has 21% less dietary fiber, 9% more total fat, 22% more saturated fat, 7% more sodium, 100% less calcium and 17% less iron than the average chips.
Source: USDA

Is Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips vegan?

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips is likely vegan in terms of its ingredients.

Does Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips contain MSG?

Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips does not contain MSG (monosodium glutamate) in the ingredient list.
Source: USDA

What is the top ingredient in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips?

The top ingredient in Kettle Salt & Pepper Potato Chips is potato.
Source: USDA

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